toptanciamca kullanıcısının son içeriği

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    Ödeme için evrak talebi

    Hocam bana ulaşabilir misiniz? bu sorunu cozmek istiyoruz acil
  2. T

    Ödeme için evrak talebi

    The store URL you mentioned has been sent to you via email at. Please kindly review it and get back to us urgently after your investigation. Burda ne demek isteniyor arkadaslar? Bu problem cozme durumunda, ucret verebiliriz...
  3. T

    Ali hocam, shopify bizden birsey daha istedim, oraya yazdim. Inceleme sansiniz var mi acaba?

    Ali hocam, shopify bizden birsey daha istedim, oraya yazdim. Inceleme sansiniz var mi acaba?
  4. T

    Ödeme için evrak talebi

    Hello Ahmet, Thanks for following up. I realized that this ticket was not authenticated properly and we need to redirect this ticket to another team in order to release the held funds on your Shopify account. If this ticket is not authenticated, this team will not be able to release the...
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    Ödeme için evrak talebi

    Mar 1, 2024, 13:24 EST Hello Cevdet, My name is Dave. I'm a Merchant Verification specialist here at Shopify. I hope this email finds you well. We are reaching out about your account We were informed that you needed some assistance receiving your final payout for your Shopify Payments...